To break the monotony of the pre-season training, our team took part in an unusual training session at the Törteli Boxing Club.
Our players were excitedly preparing for the Thursday morning training, then they took the bus and headed to the VOK Hall (Videoton Training Centre), where they took part in an unusual boxing training session at the invitation of the Törtel Boxing Club.
After the arrival, the head coach of the boxing club, Balázs Törteli, a former two-time professional Hungarian champion fighter, welcomed the team, and after a short warm-up, he and his training colleagues started to work hard.
The players already enjoyed the unconventional warm-up exercises, but they were really in their element when the gloves came out.
After learning the correct stance and one or two punching moves, some of them tried more serious combinations, while the coaches kept on polishing the guys' boxing technique.
It turned out that some of the team were no strangers to the world of rings.
At the end of the training, the bravest ones could show their skills in the ring, with Milán Pető, Nejc Gradisar, Tamás Vid Tóth and Bence Kovács testing their skills against Balázs Törteli.
The two-time Hungarian champion host treated our players with kid gloves in every sense of the word, so everyone got away without a black eye during the training session.
Our players then returned to Sóstó, where head coach Tamás Pető led the team through more hard training sessions this week. On Monday 13th January the team will travel to Croatia for a training camp.
Author: David Rechnitzer