Match Report: Friendly 1-0 win over Ercsi

A late goal from Alef secured Vidi a 1-0 win on Sunday evening.

On Sunday afternoon, the third place side of the County I championship, Ercsi Kinizsi SE, hosted Vidi in a friendly match in front of a full house in lovely weather. Many young players in our team were given a chance to prove themselves by head coach Imre Szabics, who in the first half chose: Gundel-Takács - Kojnok, Vágó, Horváth, Gulyás - Papp, Kovács I., Pinto, Petrjak - Kovács B., Dala. The young goalkeeper of our NB III team, Martin Dala, played as a striker in the first half and was one of the most dangerous players in the team.

In the 10th minute Marcell Papp's close range shot was bravely saved by the home goalkeeper, then a minute later Gundel-Takács got a hand to the ball outside the 16-yard box, and Klausz shot a 17-meter free kick just wide of the goal. In the 12th minute, a cross from the wing was headed towards goal by Dala Martin, with Andreyev making a great save. Half an hour into the match, the home striker Jerzsabek was in position, but shot over the bar from 9 meters. At the other side, Papp's low shot was confidently saved by the goalkeeper. In the 35th minute István Kovács cut in from the right wing with a beautiful move, setting up Dala, whose 5-meter shot was cleared off the goal line by Andrejev.

Two minutes before the break, Dala threatened again, this time firing just over from 18 meters. The teams went into the dressing room at the break with the scoreline at 0-0.

Vidi run out for the second half as follows: Dala - Kövesdi, Dinnyés, Alef, Horváth B. - Dárdai, Houri, Evandro, Bourard - Kovács D., Tóth T. In the 49th minute, Evandro's long-range shot hit the crossbar, then Tamás Tóth saw his close-range effort blocked by the home goalkeeper. In the 55th minute, striker Dániel Kovács hit the left post from 7 metres. In this part of the game, the enthusiastic crowd saw more good chances, and the fans rewarded these moves with applause. In the 80th minute, Ercsi's substitute Hodula received a round of applause for his brilliant save from Evandro's close-range header. 

In the 89th minute, Dala had to make a great save at the end of a fast counter attack, a 12-meter shot was cleared off the line by our young goalkeeper. But that wasn't the end of it, at the other side Bourard curled a free kick in front of goal, Dinnyés' close-range header was saved really well by Hodula. From the resulting corner, Evandro hit the cross bar and Alef headed the rebound into the net from close range (0-1). There was no time left and our team won 1-0 in Ercsi.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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