We kindly ask our friends from Greece to read the information below, which has been requested from the Hungarian Police.
Re: Vidi FC – PAOK FC Europa League group stage
Thursday 8th November 2018, Groupama Arena, K.O. 18:55pm
We wish to bring to your attention that the Hungarian Police held a security meeting on the 26th October in Budapest in relation to the above match. We hereby enclose the main points of that meeting. The match has been given a high risk category and the main security regulations will be decided by the Hungarian Police as a result.
- There will be no ticket sales before the match at the stadium location for visiting supporters. We will only allow visiting supporters to enter the stadium that have a valid ticket for the game. Entry will be via a two step process with the first step allowing only those supporters to pass through that have a valid ticket. Supporters without a valid match ticket will not be able to get to within the stadium entrance. We kindly ask that supporters without a valid match ticket should not travel to Budapest as they will not be allowed inside the stadium.
- The inspection ahead of entry to the stadium will be thorough and no supporter should have on them any item that is not allowed within the stadium. According to current legislation, possession of a pyrotechnic device also entails a procedure against that person. Therefore those found in possession of such items will result in a procedure being started against them for that infringement, which could include a financial penalty. In addition that/those supporter(s) will be denied entry inside the stadium. Furthermore any pyrotechnic lit up inside the stadium will result in that supporter being arrested and not only a financial penalty being issued but also the possibility that they will be held for up to 30 days by the Hungarian Police in Budapest.
Entry into the stadium will begin from 16:55pm.
Rules of Conduct
(for Groupama Arena)
This Rules of Conduct shall apply to the entire area of Groupama Arena (address: 1091 Budapest, Üllői út 129.), as well as to all areas and facilities used by the Operator, and to the designated and sealed Security Zone (during events).
This Rules of Conduct shall be adhered to by all visitors, regardless of the specific purpose of their stay within the Arena, or in the Security Zone.
Anyone entering Groupama Arena, and (on the day of events) the dedicated Security Zone, hereby agrees to be bound and voluntarily agrees to adhere to the provisions of this Rules of Conduct, as well as Act I of 2004 on Sports, and all applicable policies of the Hungarian Football Association (MLSZ), with particular regard to the MLSZ Security Policy, Disaster Recovery Policy, and Occupational Safety Policy, and all other governing laws.
1.1 During events, Spectators shall only be allowed to enter the premises, when meeting the following pre-conditions:
- All entry tickets to the Club events authorise the Holder for a single entry, for a single event.
- Entry tickets and seasonal tickets can only be transferred to other persons subject to the Club’s approval.
When any abuse is identified by the Organiser in relation to any entry ticket, or seasonal ticket, the Organiser is entitled to invalidate the concerned ticket or seasonal ticket, without an obligation to refund the corresponding purchase price to the ticket Holder, and the Organiser shall be entitled to ban or block entry to an event for anyone violating the applicable rules, in line with the governing laws, and the provisions herein.
- Disabled visitors are entitled to stay in the sectors’ designated areas, during the time of sports events. Disabled visitors are provided entry to the premises via the mechanical gate located left from Gate IV.
b) The Spectator’s personal details (name) displayed on the ticket, seasonal ticket, or club membership card presented upon entry, shall match the Spectator’s personal details, as shown in his/her personal ID document presented to the Organiser.
c) No Spectator is allowed to enter the premises, when being visibly under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other type of mind altering substances.
d) The Spectator is not allowed to bring any alcoholic beverages, any types of drugs, or any other specific object into the premises, which would endanger the event being held, would create a risk to other visitors’ personal safety or property, or which is generally banned from possession by the law, or from being carried into the premises by the Organiser. Anyone attempting to bring such banned objects into the premises will be banned to enter the premises by the Organiser.
e) The Spectator shall refrain from carrying into the premises any tools, billboards, flags, or any banned arbitrary symbolism, illegal to be carried by the law, and suitable to induce hatred, or being racist, being of an anti-Semitic nature, violating others’ rights, being repulsive to others, or being an obvious political statement.
f) The Spectator shall refrain from any conduct that might trigger others to be shocked or alarmed, or that may be incompatible with the decent conduct of a sports fan.
g) The Spectator shall not be allowed to carry into the premises any hand bag/luggage larger than 20 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm in size, or any professional audio visual recording devices, suitable to record and transmit data.
h) The Spectator shall not be allowed to carry any bottle, plastic bottle, spray bottle, or any type of liquid into the premises, or any sound player devices (unless authorised by the Club) such as drums, trumpet, sound box, or any other device suitable to make a loud noise.
i) No Spectator being temporarily banned or unauthorised to enter the premises shall be allowed to enter the premises.
j) The Spectator shall be obliged to allow its clothing and carry bag to be examined by the Organiser upon his/her entry into the premises.
k) It is hereby acknowledged by the Spectator that audio visual recording might take place during the sports event, which might include the Spectator’s image.
l) It is hereby acknowledged by the Spectator that during the time of the sports event, the Organisers will constantly monitor compliance with the provisions herein.
m) The Spectator shall be obliged to present his/her personal ID card, when requested by the Organiser, or by the official ticket vendor.
n) Upon the sports even being finished, or any emergency situation arising, endangering personal safety or property, as notified by the Organiser or by the Police, the Spectator shall be obliged to immediately proceed and exit the premises.
o) The Spectator shall comply with all other relevant provisions of the Sports Act, and all other conditions set by MLSZ.
1.2 The Organiser shall be obliged to call a Spectator, who is seemingly endangering the sports event, or others’ personal safety or property, or who shows a conduct that is obviously racist, inciting hatred, fear, or shocking to others, or being incompatible with the decent conduct of a sports fan, to immediately discontinue such conduct.
1.3 In any case, when the Spectator fails to comply with all provisions of section 1.1 herein, or fails to stop the conduct described in section 1.2 herein when being called so by the Organiser, the Spectator may be banned and expelled from the event.
2. The entities authorised to inspect the Spectators’ clothing and carry bags, to check their IDs, and to potentially ban or remove any Spectator from the premises shall be the Police force deployed to secure the game, and the Organiser’s staff or agents.
3. The following rules shall also apply to the Spectators:
a) The Spectator shall only be allowed to enter the premises via the specific Gate indicated on his/her entry ticket, seasonal ticket, invitation card, or another document held entitling the Holder to enter the premises, and shall only be allowed to access his/her designated sector via the access route indicated, and shall only be allowed to get seated (if he/she booked a seat) by taking the specific seat marked on his/her entry ticket/seasonal ticket/invitation card.
b) The Spectator shall not be allowed to create any problems with others, while entering or leaving the premises. It is forbidden to climb onto the fences, or to move or throw any objects across the fence.
c) Unless ordered by the Organiser or the Police to the contrary, the Spectator shall only be allowed to exit the premises via the same Gate he/she used to enter the premises.
d) When ordered and announced by the Police so, certain sectors might be temporarily sealed, banning exit.
e) For security reasons, from time to time certain groups of Spectators might be redirected by the Organiser to a sector other than the one indicated on their entry ticket or seasonal ticket.
4. Any persons other than Spectators, staying in the Arena or in the Security Zone for any other purposes, shall be subject to different rules.
5. Anyone entering any facilities within the premises being willingly sealed from the Spectators, or from a certain group of Spectators, in any unauthorised way, and/or staying in such area, or anyone throwing any object into such area, which might endanger the overall sports event being held, or other participants’ physical integrity, shall be deemed to have committed a criminal offence. Any such person committing the infringement shall be subject to authoritative measures taken by the Organiser, in full compliance with the applicable laws, such measures including the Spectator being captured, held, and segregated when the need arises, and thereafter handed over to the Police.
6. Additional obligations for the Spectators during the sports events:
a) The Spectator shall be obliged to always adhere to all provisions herein, and all other provisions or instructions given by the Organiser.
b) The Spectator shall refrain from conducting any activities that may disturb the overall event, or prevent the event being held, or which may endanger others’ personal safety or property, or to wilfully pollute others’ clothing.
c) The Spectators are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages within the premises of any international games organised by FIFA or UEFA. On local championships/games, and when this is permitted so by the Organiser, certain selective alcoholic beverages might be sold to the Spectators during the game, the alcohol content of which should always stay below 5%, and which might be consumed by the Spectators on the spot.
d) The Spectator shall always adhere to the rules applicable to smoking at the premises. Smoking is only allowed within the designated areas of the Arena.
e) The Spectator shall refrain from showing any conduct that is suitable to incite hatred, racism, being anti-Semitic, infringing the rights of others, or being repulsive to others, and shall not be allowed to position any tools openly displaying a political narrative, any label inciting hatred, any flag, or any banned arbitrary symbolism generally prohibited by the law, within the entire area being subject to this Rules of Conduct. The Organiser hereby notifies the Spectators that any such conduct shall qualify as a criminal offence committed, violating the unified global objectives set for sports games, the mission statement of MOL Vidi FC, or its various specialised sports units.
f) When the Spectator intends to attach a billboard or a flag to any parts of the fence, bars, or columns, he/she shall solely be entitled to do so subject to a prior explicit approval obtained from the specific Committee specified in section 16.10 herein. As a general rule, any such authorised object to be placed is not allowed to cover any advertising space, informative signs, or escape routes.
g) It is prohibited for the Spectators to climb onto the bars, fence, columns, or gates, and when an injury is suffered via such banned activities, the Organiser and the Operator refuses all liability.
h) When ordered by the Organiser or by the Police to do so, the Spectator shall be obliged to immediately exit the premises.
i) The Spectator shall refrain from showing any conduct that might be disturbing to others, and this shall particularly include shouting any obscene or disturbing words, or showing hand signs of the same nature, or staying in an upright standing position (except for in sector B) for too long, in which case the Spectator will be ordered by the Organiser to stop any such activities.
j) The Spectator is not allowed to stay on the stairways, on the escape routes, or on the access corridors (apart from the time when accessing or leaving his/her seat).
k) The Spectator is only allowed to make audio video recordings of the game without the Organiser’s specific authorisation, for his/her personal purposes. The Spectator shall be prohibited to broadcast any such recording live from the premises, and shall not be authorised to publish the same in any way or form.
l) Spectators are authorised to report any alleged infringement, damage or other type of disadvantage suffered by another Spectator, or by the Organiser, within 72 hours upon occurrence, via regular mail or e-mail, at the contact details provided at the Club’s website (to e-mail: almadi.ferenc@molvidi.hu). Upon receipt of any complaints of this nature, the Club shall be obliged to carry out an investigation as soon as practicable, and once the investigation is finished, to notify the Complainant about the outcome, via regular mail or e-mail, depending on the way of communication chosen.
7. When the provisions herein, or the applicable provisions of the governing laws are failed to be adhered to by the Spectator, the Spectator might be forced to exit the premises, in line with the applicable laws, or might be captured and forced to stay within a designated area by the Organiser, until the Police arrives.
8. The Spectator is obliged to comply with all security measures prescribed by the Organiser for the given event. The Spectator shall refrain from conducting any activities that may disturb the overall sports event, or make it impossible to be held, or which might be infringing to, or endangering the personal rights and personal property of other Spectators present at the game, or just arriving or leaving the game. For any damages arising out of a possible non-compliance with this obligation within the Arena, the Spectator shall be obliged to pay grievance fees, and shall have an indemnification liability, in line with the applicable provisions of the Civil Code.
The fact that such indemnification obligation was complied with, shall leave the Spectator’s other liability for a misdemeanour or criminal law prosecution unaffected. Anyone causing such damage to the Sports Club, or to the Facility Manager, shall be obliged to indemnify the same for all material damages wilfully caused, once the person causing the damage has been properly identified.
9. When the Spectator causing the damage has been banned from entering any future games by the Organiser, any unspent amount remaining on his/her fan club membership card will be repaid by the Organiser, within 30 days (after deducting the compensation payment required for the damage caused).
10. For the purposes of keeping all sports events organised by the Organiser safe, the Organiser shall be entitled to the following:
a) The Organiser shall be obliged to inform all Spectators about the pre-conditions set for entering the premises, the methods used to inspect the Spectators, and the lawful possibilities provided to ban and expel any Spectator breaching the rules, on regularly updated billboards, which are clearly visible, and include illustrated with pictograms, and placed both within and outside the facilities (in Hungarian, English, and German languages, plus any other languages required according to the nationality of the opponent playing that day).
b) The Organiser shall arrange for a documented way of collecting, safeguarding, and (upon leaving the game) returning to the Spectators all objects that were prohibited to be taken into the premises, except for objects being illegal to be possessed by the law. When the Organiser finds any object that poses a particularly serious hazard to public safety, or the possession of which is prohibited by the law, the Organiser shall be obliged to retain and hand over the relevant Spectator to the Police.
If any objects taken into custody by the Organiser is failed to be collected by its owner within 2 hours upon the game being finished, the Organiser shall act in accordance with the applicable rules of being a responsible depositor.
c) The Organiser shall be entitled to carry out a CCTV surveillance at the premises, at all entry points, in all facilities of the Arena, in the adjacent public domain, and in the designated visitor parking lot, enabling the Spectators being personally identified, and to record and process the same, in line with the applicable laws. In order to ensure that all necessary data and information required to launch a criminal prosecution, or misdemeanour proceedings is available, the Organiser shall be obliged to retain all recordings made on a particular event for the specific time period stipulated by the Police, via a written order sent to the Organiser within 72 hours upon the game being finished. The total time period of retaining the CCTV recordings stipulated by the Police can be 30 days. When no such notification is sent by the Police, the Organiser will delete the recordings made upon the expiry of 72 hours from being taped. In case the Police submits a request for any part of the recordings made, the Organiser shall promptly supply the same. Other authorities authorised to submit a request for data of the recordings made (in addition to the Police) include the National Security Office, the official authorities dealing with cases of misdemeanour, the public prosecutor’s office, and the courts, for the purposes of carrying out their specific national security, law enforcement, misdemeanour prosecution, and judicial tasks defined by the law, in addition to the related Data Subject.
The CCTV footages are jointly monitored live by the Organiser and the Organiser’s official representative, in the designated room operated within the facilities. The representatives of the Police, and of the National Security Office shall have the right to be present while this takes place. When this is requested by the Police, or by the National Security Office, the Organiser, and the Organiser’s official representative shall be obliged to provide access to the live CCTV recording process carried out during the game. The specific location of CCTV cameras installed at the premises are marked on the Arena’s floor map.
d) The Organiser shall be entitled to protect all areas closed from the audience, or from a part of the audience via various technical, mechanical, and chemical safety measures, with the related warning signs being displayed.
11. The Organiser shall be entitled to use all lawful means to handle any person, whom have committed a criminal offence, or a misdemeanour, by fully cooperating with the Police.
12. The Organiser maintains a liability insurance policy, for the benefit of the Spectators.
13. To ensure safe conditions for the Spectators to leave the premises once the game is over, the Police is entitled to order certain groups of Spectators to stay within a specified area of the premises for a certain time period (until the opponent’s fan group has left the premises, the secured zone, or the route, along which the fans leave, which is secured by the Police).
14. When the game got cancelled, or decided to be held by banning part of the Spectators, or by limiting the total number of Spectators allowed into the premises, the Organiser shall be obliged to repay the price of the entry tickets already sold within 3 business days. When a game gets suspended, the same entry ticket can be used by the Spectators to attend the game replayed. The Club shall provide all relevant information about such events taking place on its website. (www.molvidi.hu)
15. The Organiser retains the right to introduce rules additional to the ones herein, for particular events.
16. The Club shall be entitled to refuse selling any ticket to any person, who has been previously expelled from a particular sports event organised by the Club, due to a violation of the provisions of the Sports Act, or of the provisions herein, and shall be entitled to prevent in any way the same person participating in any future sports event (hereinafter collectively referred to as “being banned from the sports event”).
16.1 The total duration of being banned from the sports events shall be minimum 6 months, and maximum 2 years (when it applies to all sports events held by the Club), or 4 years (when it applies to the specific premises).
16.2 When a Spectator is banned from the sports events, he can file a litigation.
16.3 Another case for banning someone from the sports events could be when a Spectator should have been expelled from the game according to section 71(3) of the Sports Act, however, the Organiser decided not to do so, based on its personal judgment that a potential intervention made by the Organiser could have possibly resulted in a chain of events within the overall Spectator group, that would have jeopardized the safety of the entire event held to an outrageous extent.
16.4 The name, place and date of birth, the duration of being banned, the name of the relevant sports facility, and the scope of the sports event impacted by the ban shall be sent by the Club to the central sports security management database, within 3 days.
16.5 The total duration of the ban shall be as follows (which the Club may alter from, from time-to-time, depending on the specific circumstances of the case):
- When section 1.a) herein was violated: 6 months (any abuse with the entry, the membership card, or the entry ticket)
- When section 1.b) herein was violated: 6 months
- When section 1.c) herein was violated: 6 months
- When section 1.d) herein was violated: 6 months
- When section 1.e) herein was violated: 20 months
- When section 1.f) herein was violated: 6 months (if the offensive act was not stopped, despite receiving a warning, and in particularly severe cases)
- When section 1.i) herein was violated: 20 months
- When an object was thrown into the field where the players play: 12 months
- In all other cases: 6 to 12 months.
16.6 When the offender has committed more than one infringements or misdemeanours (within a period of 2 years, calculated from the very first offence), twice the applicable longer banning period can be applied by the Organiser, however never exceeding the maximum time limit set by the law.
16.7 Any ban may be suspended for a probation period by the Club, at the Club’s sole discretion.
16.8 The resolution issued by the Club ordering a ban shall enter into force when duly delivered to the related Spectator. The resolution on the ban must be sent to the Spectator’s home address provided, or publicly known, via registered mail, and the Organiser shall make sure that the related Spectator is able to collect the same at a later date, when requested so in writing. When the letter sent is returned to the Organiser by the Post Office being marked “failed to collect”, “relocated”, “unknown address”, or “refused acceptance”, or any similar message, the resolution shall be deemed to have been properly delivered to the addressee on the 5th business day calculated from the mailing date.
16.10 The review specified in section 16.9 herein shall be conducted by a Review Committee, made up of 7 members, with 4 members being delegated by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of FTC Labdarúgó Zrt., or by another member of the Board of Directors delegated for such purposes by the Chairman, while 3 members shall be delegated by the various fan club organisations being registered partners of the Club. The Review Committee shall in all cases hold a hearing, providing a chance for the banned Spectator to present his/her opinion and evidence on the case.
17. Any issues remaining uncovered by this Rules of Conduct, or having no adequate details provided, shall be governed by the provisions of the Sports Act, the provisions stipulated by MLSZ and UEFA, as well as the Club’s applicable policies.
18. For the purposes of this Rules of Conduct, the term “Club” shall mean FTC Labdarúgó Zrt. or Ferencvárosi Torna Club, or any other sports organisation (depending on who organised the specific event). All other definitions used herein shall be interpreted in line with the Sports Act, as well as the various applicable MLSZ and UEFA policies.
This Rules of Conduct shall enter into force on 24 July 2015, with some amendments being made at a subsequent date, and the amended version becoming effective on 25 October 2017, and shall be valid until revoked. This Rules of Conduct is prepared in Hungarian, English and German languages, and being displayed in all three languages within the premises.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Vidi FC Security Department
Author: David Rechnitzer