Defender Zoltan Liptak talks about Friday's match

Liptak: We could not get through the Honved defence

Zoltan Liptak: "I felt as though the team did everything. We knew that Honved would come here and defend with eleven men against us. This is exactly how it turned out, and we were not able to break through their defence. They manage to produce two chances, and those luckily ended in goals. This is part of the game, and football can be like this. I believe that a team will suffer a defeat like this once a year. We have nothing else to do but to get over this match, and put all our focus on Tuesday's cup game at Baja. Then we will switch our attention to next weeks game with Kaposvar. It is a matter of fact that all runs have to end once, and we did manage to win six games in a row, so we have nothing to be ashamed of. Hopefully we can start a new run at Kaposvar. I do not think that either the team or myself had any added pressure on us to break the record, had we made it seven in a row. I hope that our next run will be longer."

Author: David Rechnitzer

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