Brachi: We will be better than we are now by the end of pre-season

The Spanish defender is looking for Vidi to win the league and league cup.

"The majority of the autumn season was all about rehabilitation for me. I had a pretty stubborn injury, which took a lot of time to come back from. I was back on the pitch towards the end of the first half of the season, but I will need more games before I can be back to producing 100% performances again. This is why I am really looking forward to the pre-season period, as just like in previous seasons, I am sure that we will face many well-known clubs in friendly games. The most important thing from the team's point of view is that we win the league and league cup in the spring. We have every chance of achieving this with the team developing a lot over the autumn period. I am sure that we will be better than we are now by the end of the winter pre-season period. I will spend the break at home in Spain, with my second child being born any day now. I am very excited as my second child will be a girl" - commented Alvaro Brachi to

Author: David Rechnitzer

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