2-1 win in the friendly match against Budafok

Nikolic scored in the first half, Funsho in the second, and the visitors added a goal towards the end.

Taking advantage of the national team break, our team played a friendly match against second division Budafok at the Sósto on Friday afternoon. Michael Boris sent out the starting line-up Kovács D. - Alef, Lüftner, Shabanov - Bese, Rónaszéki, Makarenko, Kovács I., Hangya - Funsho, Nikolic.

We created the first chance in the 5th minute, when Nikolic stepped out from behind the defenders, his left-footed shot was saved by the visitors' goalkeeper, András Horváth. Four minutes later, Budafok captain Dávid Kovács took a shot on goal at Dániel Kovács, but our goalkeeper saved confidently. After a quarter of an hour, we took the lead: Nikolic took a great ball from Funsho and shot into the bottom left corner (1-0).

In the 22nd minute, Bese passed the ball in front of goal, where Lüftner headed just over. In the 33rd minute, Makarenko came close to scoring from almost half a yard out: he spotted the visitors' goalkeeper out of position and aimed for the right side of the goal, but the onrushing Horváth was able to bravely punch the ball out for the corner. In the closing stages of the first half, Funsho and Nikolic had chances, before our captain's header closed the half.

Both teams made a lot of changes at the break: for the home team Pinto, Dárdai and Kodro came on the pitch (Lednev and Berekali had already come on in the first half), while the visitors' head coach Csaba Csizmadia also made substitutions. After 10 minutes, Budafoki substitute Péter Beke threatened but his shot missed the target and in the 64th minute we came close to doubling our lead: Dárdai's right-wing corner was flicked on by Alef to Kodro, who shot just over from 5 metres.

Lednev's shot was well saved in the second half by Balázs Bese, who was defending the visitors' goal, and Dárdai's shot was blocked by the defenders. In the 75th minute, Olivér Kalmár headed just wide of the target, but a minute later there was a Vidi goal at the other end: Dárdai slipped the ball in front of Funsho, who fired a powerful shot into the bottom right corner (2-0). In the 78th minute, Kodro's shot bounced off the left post after a good attack. In the 86th minute, Budafok scored: Beke received a deep cross and shot into the right side of the goal (2-1). The last situation was Kodro's, whose shot was saved by Balázs Bese, who was able to tip it away for a corner. The match ended with a 2-1 victory for our team.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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